
Remove credit card from google play
Remove credit card from google play

remove credit card from google play

This prompted me to a screen that showed that my card was still tied to both the google store? and Google Fi.įollowing up I decided to go back into my old Google FI account and remove said card which was tied and automatically updated via the google fill in app. Go to my subscriptions to unlink this payment method" Then come back and try removing your payment method. To remove this payment method, first replace it with a different payment method. While attempting to remove my card off of the google auto fill I was met with a window that poped up saying ""This payment method is associated with your services or subscriptions. I recently have had a scare with my credit card information being tampered with and wanted to get rid of all of my credit card information tied to the autofill feature on google itself. So this story starts off with me as a customer of Google Fi awhile back, I decided to leave google fi due to their prices back in March.

Remove credit card from google play